R-8A Revenue Collection Cars

From nycsubway.org


R8A Datasheet from NYCT Revenue & Non-Revenue Car Drawings


Designation Unit Numbers Manufacturer Years
R8A (IND Revenue Collection Car) 66-67 St. Louis Car 1947
  • Revenue collection cars
  • Blind motors
  • Renumbered 20176-20177, and then 30176-30177 in June 1966.

Photo Gallery

Five Random Images

Image 6140

(186k, 1024x700)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Jamaica Yard/Shops

Image 6141

(257k, 1024x702)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: 207th Street Yard

Image 114192

(247k, 1024x814)
Collection of: George Conrad Collection

Image 130981

(144k, 1024x595)
Collection of: Frank Pfuhler
Location: 207th Street Yard

Image 150586

(404k, 1200x800)
Collection of: Nicholas Fabrizio
Location: Jamaica Yard/Shops

More Images: 1-11


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