R-68 (Westinghouse-Amrail) -- R-68A (Kawasaki)

From nycsubway.org


Two R-68 trains holding down D and Q service at Cortelyou Road on the BMT Brighton Line. Photo by David Pirmann, April 1997.


Designation Unit Numbers Manufacturer Years
R-68 2500-2924 Westinghouse-Amrail 1986-1988
R-68A 5001-5200 Kawasaki 1988-1989

  • Car Body: Stainless steel
  • Length/Width: 75' long, 10' wide
  • Cab Arrangement: Transverse cabs at leading end; narrow cab at other
  • Coupling Arrangement: Most are coupled in four car sets. Single cars in coupled sets are used on the Franklin Shuttle.
  • Numbering: "A" or leading cars are even-numbered, and "B" cars are odd-numbered. R-68 "B" cars are one number higher than the adjacent "A" car, R-68A "B" cars are one number lower than the adjacent "A" car.
    • R-68 example: 2500 + 2501 + 2503 + 2502
    • R-68A example: 5002 + 5001 + 5003 + 5004


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Car Notes

Green Preserved, saved for preservation,
or exists in some state
Yellow Converted to work service
(and later scrapped or still in use)
Red Wrecked/Damaged in accident (and possibly repaired),
or scrapped prior to the bulk of the type

Number Notes
2579 Suffered fire damage at Tremont Ave., Concourse line, 6/1999. Repaired and returned to service as part of linked R-68 set as of 1/10/2000.
2651 Temporarily equipped with an experimental exterior PA system.
2755 Broadsided by wayward flatcar on work train on maiden trip; was repaired and finally entered service in 1993.
2805, 2807 Accident at DeKalb Ave., 6/20/2000. Southbound B train split switch around 9:20 pm. 2807 and 2805 were 2nd and 3rd cars in consist s-2806-2807-2805-2804-2890-2891-2889-2888-n. Removed to Coney Island Yard. All repaired and back in service.


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