Streetcar and Rapid Transit Museums


A train of Brooklyn Union elevated cars circa 1907 belonging to the New York Transit Museum collection. These venerable cars, which had been rebuilt into "Q-Type" cars in the 1930s, were rebuilt back to their original appearance by employees of the Coney Island Overhaul Shop. They operated several trips for charity in the summer of 2004, seen here heading north of 215th Street on the IRT West Side line. Photo by David Pirmann.

New York Region (or Good New York Collections)

New York Transit Museum
The premier museum of New York City transit history. This museum is housed in an old subway station in downtown Brooklyn and features 19 restored subway cars and other exhibits. It also has an extensive collection of historical buses.

Shore Line Trolley Museum
Shore Line Trolley Musuem, in East Haven, CT., has a large collection of rapid transit and trolley vehicles from New York City, and sponsors special weekends each year where the New York cars are on center stage.

Seashore Trolley Museum
The largest trolley museum in the world and oldest in the United States, this museum's extensive collection features several pieces of equipment from New York City and just received two more NYC subway cars in 2005.

Trolley Museum of New York
Also known as the Kingston Trolley Museum, this museum's collection features several New York City rapid transit and trolleycars.



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