Volks Electric Railway

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The Volks Electric Railway runs for one mile along the seafront at Brighton for one mile. It was the first electric railway in Great Britain and opened in August 1883. The was operated for a time by the Volks Electric Railway Association, and now it is owned and operated by the City of Brighton and Hove Council. It operates during the summer only.

The railways was built and named after Magnus Volks, an electrical engineer who had already completed the electric lighting of Brighton Pavilion. The 2' 8.5" gauge line was built purely for pleasure, carrying holiday makers and day trippers along the splendid Regency promenade. The line is single track line with a few passing places, and is powered by an off centre third rail.

The colourful cars are meticulously looked after can seat up to forty persons. Shelter is available for most during bad weather. For those at the front a cab ride is as mandatory as a large ice cream cone on hot days.

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By Simon Billis.

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