Rapid Transit in New York City and in the Other Great Cities (1906)

From nycsubway.org


Tunnel approach, 123rd Street, New York Subway.

Prepared for the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York by its Special Committee on Recognition of Services of Members of the Chamber on the Rapid Transit Commission. The proceedings of the Chamber of Commerce authorizing the preparation and publication of this book will be found in the last chapter. The book has been prepared by Mr. S. D. V. Burr, C. E., A. M., under the direction of the Chairman of the Special Committee. Copyright, 1906, by the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York.

Table of Contents
I. The Beginnings and the Growth of New York City
II. Plans for Relief
III. Early Subway Schemes
IV. Bridges to Brooklyn: Brooklyn Bridge, Williamsburg Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, Blackwells Island Bridge
V. Tunnels: Hudson River Tunnel, Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Tunnel, Pennsylvania Railroad Tunnels
VI. Elevated Railroads
VII. Rapid Transit Commission of 1875
VIII. Commission of 1891
IX. The Chamber of Commerce
X. Abram Stevens Hewitt
XI. Commission of 1894
XII. Preparing the Subway Contract
XIII. Contract Awarded and Work Begun
XIV. Engineering Features of the New York Subway
XV. Equipment of the Subway
XVI. Work of Commission During Construction of Subway
XVII. Opening the Subway
XVIII. Future Rapid Transit in New York
XIX. Financial Statement
XX. Rapid Transit in Other Cities: London, Berlin, Budapest, Paris, Glasgow, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia
XXI. Present Rapid Transit Laws
XXII. Appreciation of the Chamber

This HTML edition corrected from OCR provided by the Making of America Project at the University of Michigan, with permission. The original page images and OCR for this book can be found at University of Michigan Digital Library, Rapid transit in New York city and in the other great cities. / New York Chamber of Commerce, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Library 2005.

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