New Subways for New York: The Dual System of Rapid Transit (1913)


One of Several Designs Submitted By the Commission's Engineers For Ornamental Elevated Structure On Queens Boulevard.

Table of Contents
Chapter I, Dual System of Rapid Transit Chapter IV, Progress of Construction; Features of New Work
Chapter II, Interborough Routes and Stations Chapter V, Terms and Conditions of Dual System Contracts
Chapter III, Brooklyn Company Routes and Stations Chapter VI, Growth of the Dual System

State of New York
Public Service Commission
For the First District
New York City
June, 1913
Public Service Commission
Edward R. McCall, Chairman
Milo R. Maltbie
John E. Eustis
J. Sergeant Cram
George V.S. Williams
George S. Coleman, Counsel
Travis H. Whitney, Secretary
Alfred Craven, Chief Engineer may use cookies to help deliver certain services. By continuing to browse you agree to our use of cookies.