Czestochowa, Poland



Czestochowa is a small-to-medium sized Polish city, situated in the south of the country, notable for its huge cathedral and a place of Catholic pilgrimage. Although founded about a thousand years ago, the city didn't gain trams until 1959, making its operation considerably younger than those others in Poland. A single line is operated, from Fieldorfa Nila, through the city centre to Kucelin; trams which serve the entire route run as line 1. During the off-peak and at weekend every other tram terminates short of Kucelin, at Aleja Pokoju, and these cars run as line 2. Peak hour frequency along the whole length of the route is every five minutes, and trams appear to be well-used.

The tram fleet consists entirely of the indigenous Konstal 105N type, which run in pairs. Fleet livery is red and cream, although several cars run in overall advert schemes.

Photo Gallery

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Image 56119

(131k, 720x540)
Photo by: Tim Deakin
Location: Al. Wolnosci

Image 56120

(110k, 720x540)
Photo by: Tim Deakin
Location: Al. Wolnosci

Image 56121

(121k, 540x720)
Photo by: Tim Deakin
Location: Al. Wolnosci

Image 56122

(104k, 720x540)
Photo by: Tim Deakin
Location: Al. Wolnosci

Image 56123

(132k, 720x540)
Photo by: Tim Deakin
Location: Al. Wolnosci


Official Site - MPK. Official site of the public transit operator in Czestochowa.

Page Credits

By Tim Deakin. may use cookies to help deliver certain services. By continuing to browse you agree to our use of cookies.